Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Last Day of Year 5 (and MY BIRTHDAY!!!)

I've been playing from John Thompson's Fifth Grade Technique book. Working on some technical exercises from composers like Mozart, Handel, Bach. Also some carry over pieces from last year. I still have the Nocturne in C Minor and Waltz in A-flat Major (L'Adieu) by Chopin, Consolation 2 by Liszt. 

I was playing a bit from Handel's Suite 14--one of the technical exercises--and it's surprising how simple it sounds and yet how much it shows that my fingers have yet to learn. I guess it's of a baroque persuasion and as such is like finger food--full of technical challenges that, when overcome, increases your prowess as a pianist. At least, that's what I'm hoping. 

Yesterday it was actually starting to solidify. It took a while to really get under (into) my fingers. At least 3 weeks or so. (It's very short.) I can feel my fingers relaxing into it more. 

Oh, and I have audio. It's error riddled, but hopefully the quality of tone will show its progress.